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Additional Performing Rights Licence

Each Complete Musical Package comes with a Performing Rights Licence which gives you permission to perform the musical TWICE to an audience. If you would like to perform the musical more than twice, you will require an additional Performing Rights Licence for each additional show.


Additional Performing Rights Licence Conditions

  • Purchasing this licence implies full compliance with its terms and conditions;
  • This licence is valid for EIGHTEEN MONTHS from the date of issue;
  • This licence permits a single class, group or school to give (INSERT NUMBER) performances of the above-named musical; ​
  • This licence permits a single class, group or school to perform the above-named musical (INSERT NUMBER) to a non-paying or paying audience of up to 800 people;
  • If you are planning to give more than (INSERT NUMBER) performances of this musical you will require an additional performing rights licence per extra performance at AU$70.00 each.
  • For the purposes of this licence, a performance is defined as any presentation of this musical, either in its entirety or in excerpts, to an audience no larger than 800 people;
  • If your audience is expected to exceed 800 people, please contact EPmusic as you will require additional licensing;
  • Performance rights and licences are non-transferable between: plays and musicals; licensees; different organisations or companies; different branches, groups, franchises, or sub-divisions within one organisation; 
  • Separate licences must be purchased to stage performances of other musicals published by EPmusic; 
  • ​The endorsement “Produced in association with EPmusic” must be displayed on all forms of advert​ising and promotional material including posters, programmes, leaflets, websites, and in reviews; 
  • Major revisions of the text may not be made without the prior permission of the author; 
  • This licence entitles you to photocopy necessary portions of the script. All copies of any portion of the script must be destroyed upon completion of the performance;
  • This licence entitles you to record the performance and sell the DVDs without royalty payments applying;
  • If your performance is not covered by the conditions of this licence, please contact EPmusic; 
  • EPmusic retains the right to revoke or refuse licences at any time.

Additional Performing Rights Licence


    If you would prefer to pay directly via credit card or bank transfer please email us and request an invoice.

    Please note: due to the non-returnable nature of digital products, there are no refunds.

    *If you would like to order a physical, ring-bound copy of the script, please let us know!

    Copyright © EPmusic

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